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10 Effective Fast Weight Loss Drinks

10 Effective Fast Weight Loss Drinks : Inculcating certain healthy habits in your daily diet can bring about remarkable changes in your life and health. It is best to clarify a few confusions that are associated with juicing. Juicing on an occasional basis while gorging on unhealthy foods and living a sedentary lifestyle can’t help in losing weight. It is a healthy habit that must be included in daily life to enjoy its health benefits. Consuming natural fruit and vegetable juices is extremely beneficial for detoxifying the body and is one of the best natural ways to lose weight and jump-start the process of fat burning.

Why Should I Juice?

  • Well, the most common question that circles the health and fitness circle concerning juicing is that whether it is better to have fruits and vegetable juice or have them whole. Having the whole fruits and vegetables is the best option indeed but there are certain reasons why juicing wins the day.
  • Juicing increases overall fruit and vegetable intake which is not possible if we are consuming them whole.
  • Juicing promotes weight loss by boosting metabolism.
  • Certain vegetable juices help in improving cardiovascular health and lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • The high content of antioxidants and fiber helps in reducing the risk of all kinds of cancer.

10 Best Natural Juices that Helps in Weight Loss

Although pills and crash diets are widely available that can promote weight loss apparently, but most of them have been shown to have severe side effects in the long run and therefore it is best to resort to natural remedies that are time tested and have no harmful effects on health.

Carrot and Grapefruit Smoothie

The importance of carrot juice for weight loss is well known. Carrots are extremely low in calories and high in fiber that makes carrot juice a perfect vegetable juice for weight loss. Being rich in fibers, it helps keep the tummy satiated for a longer time and prevents mindless cravings, which is one of the main reasons for weight gain. Studies show that eating grapefruit after consuming a meal high in fats can help in cutting out the calories by a fifth. Therefore, a combination of these two superfoods for weight loss makes the ideal smoothie for burning calories.

Carrot and Grapefruit Smoothie 

  1. Pink Grapefruit – 1
  2. Carrots – 4
  3. Lemon Juice – 2 Tablespoon
  4. Ginger – 1 Inch
  • Peel the grapefruit and cut the inner flesh into rough cubes. 
  • Peel and cut the carrots into small cubes. Add all the ingredients in a food processor; add the lemon juice and peeled ginger to it. 
  • Mix it for 3 to 4 minutes and pour in a tall smoothie glass and enjoy. 
  • This is one of the best home remedies for weight loss that shows great effectiveness when drank once on a daily basis.

Beetroot, Carrot and Strawberry Smoothie

Balanced diet plans to lose weight should include beets. Beetroot helps in enhancing exercise endurance and stamina so that you can sweat it out longer in the gym without feeling drained. It contains a high level of both soluble and insoluble fibers that helps in weight loss. Ellagic acid and anthocyanins present in strawberries helps in weight loss by reducing inflammation and restoring the functions of weight-reducing hormones. Anthocyanins stimulate the production of hormone adiponectin that boosts metabolism and suppresses hunger by slowing down the speed of digestion of starchy foods.

Apple, Carrot and Beet juice

  1. Beetroots – 2
  2. Strawberries – 1 Cup
  3. Carrots – 1
  • Peel the beetroots and carrot and chop in small cubes, add all the vegetables and strawberries in a food processor, 
  • add 1/4th cup water and blend well to form a smooth paste. 
  • Pour in a tall serving glass and enjoy.


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